2017 ITAA Roadmap

Looking to the future, linked below is a proposal of a two-year roadmap for the ITAA, based on conversations I’ve had with many of you.  This summarizes some steps we can take to let the ITAA continue to grow.

You’ll see in the write-up that we will need plenty of help to do so, and from a lot of new areas of expertise that aren’t just archery-related.  The first phase involves searching and finding out a lot of real details.

But since good people know good people, I’m sure we can reach out to our membership and find a lot of the knowledge we need, or a lot of enthusiasm to contact the necessary stakeholders.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas, and questions about the roadmap.  My plan is to raise it for consideration at the winter board meeting on March 7th.

ITAA Winter 2017 Roadmap


If you have questions, ideas, suggestions, or would be interested in helping with any of the plans raised in the roadmap, please feel free to email Tony.