Welcome to the ITAA Athlete Spotlight!
Every couple months, we will shine the spotlight on a fellow ITAA member. Whether they have performed well in a competition, supported the organization, or are just really, really good looking, this is a member you should get to know.
This time around, we’re featuring Nathan Zimmerman. Nathan is coming off an awesome indoor season in which he won his division in the ITAA State Championship and finished 4th at the Vegas Shoot! Here’s his story:
Nathan Zimmerman
1) What’s your favorite style of archery to shoot?
Compound is the style of archery that I shoot. And I enjoy shooting Outdoor 3d and Outdoor Target the most.
2) How did you get started in the sport? Why did you pick the JOAD program?
When I was 2 yrs old, my dad ran T.A.Z. Archery out of our home, we had a 20 yd indoor range in the basement. When he went down to fletch arrows, I would grab my Cartel mini compound and shoot for hours.
3) What archery accomplishment are you most proud of?
I have two accomplishments that I am most proud of. The first was harvesting my 1st deer with a Bow on October 6th, 2014, and the other was taking 4th place at the Vegas shoot.
4) What’s your most embarrassing archery moment?
At the Turkey Trot this last Fall, l I left my release on the bench which I was only able to shoot 2 out of 3 arrows in that round. Also at Vegas, I drew my bow back before the timer started, luckily I didn’t shoot my arrow.
5) Any advice for your fellow archers?
Always have Fun! Practice Hard and Relax on the line!
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