2020 Spring Members Meeting

April 8th, 2020  7:00-8:00PM video call with dial-in.


Online details (This meeting will be remote-only):

April 8th, 2020  7:00PM-8:00PM.

Phone and Internet Connection:

You can join via Internet conference using Zoom or dial in with any phone (but you’ll miss out on any shared visuals).  There is no need to create a zoom account, but it’s free if you do.

I recommend you test Zoom ahead of time to prevent delays in joining the meeting on time.

Join ITAA Membership Meeting with Zoom

Meeting ID: 340 810 680
Password: Score1440

Join by telephone
Dial: +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll)
877 369 0926 (US Toll Free)
877 853 5247 (US Toll Free) Find international numbers

Meeting URL: https://autodesk.zoom.us/j/340810680


Election of ITAA Board of Directors

Review ITAA financials (Related)

Present the summer ITAA tournament schedule

Other presentation or discussion topics:

(Email Tony to add items here, or take your chances on there being time at the meeting.)

Open Discussion:

  • Ideas for future development.  Supporting and growing the archery community.


We’ll try to get done by 8:00, but continued valuable discussion can continue as needed.


Board of Directors Election

All spots are open for election.  If there are no contested spots, we will hold a slate election.  (We’ve never had contested spots — we’re a small community and not overburdened with leadership volunteers.)  If that fails to pass or is not possible, we will vote on individual positions.

While all Illinois archers are welcome to contribute at member meetings, you must be Illinois residents 18 or older to vote in elections or serve on the Board.

If you are interested in serving in one of the board positions, feel free to send a paragraph or two of introduction as a ‘campaign’. Include your

  • archery community involvement (athlete, parent, coach, etc),
  • availability level (are you swamped running 4-5 other orgs?),
  • your other experience that could help admin and guide the ITAA.
  • in what roles you would be interested in helping.

I’ll post those to the Membership Meeting page on the ITAA site as I receive them, so folks can see who’s interested and “running”.

Then we’ll give everyone 2-3 minutes at the meeting to introduce themselves before we run the voting.

2020 Slate of Proposed Board Members:

  • President: Dave Schaefer (Dave’s introductory “campaign” letter)
  • Vice President: April Weber
  • Treasurer: Gabe Querol
  • JOAD Coordinator: Cheri Kirkpatrick
  • Secretary: Brent Harmon (also Collegiate Representative)
  • Tournament Coordinator: Randy Rutledge
  • Downstate Representative: Tyler Robinson
  • Member at Large:  Tom Havel
  • Member at Large:  Greg Semaan
  • Member at Large:  Cassie Flood


Example “Campaign”:

Tony Kaap:
I’m an Elgin-based archer, shooting mostly at Kishwaukee and the Wheaton Rifle Club.  As a tech worker, I’ve helped with club web sites at clubs in California and Illinois.  My goal is to drive high levels of communication in the archery community with an up-to-date web site, newsletters, and event information.

Board of Directors notes:

  • We have 10 Directors on the Board.
  • We’re required by the state to have a president, secretary, and treasurer.
  • We’re required by USA Archery to have a JOAD Coordinator.