WRC Half FITA October 2nd, 2011

The Wheaton Rifle Club


Archery Tournament

Half FITA Round

Sunday, October 2, 2011

There will be an archery tournament at the Wheaton Rifle
Club on October 2nd. It will be a 70M Half FITA Round.

Practice will begin at Noon and scoring will begin at 1:00 PM.

Target butts will be set at 70M or appropriate distances for younger shooters.
This tournament will be a “fun shoot” in every sense of the word. There will be no
judge, no clock, honor system scoring, etc. Obviously, it is not a “Star FITA”

The Wheaton Rifle Club is located at: 27W070 North Ave., West Chicago, Illinois. It
is on the north side of North Ave (Rt. 64), four buildings east of County Farm Road.

To help promote archery at the Wheaton Rifle Club, a $10 entry fee will be charged.

The shooting line can only accommodate 24 shooters, so please RSVP to Tom Havel
in advance at tbhavel@comcast.net if you can participate.

WRC October Flyer